
Sunday Worship Schedule

The Heritage Worship Service is held in the Sanctuary and draws heavily upon the rich tradition and hymns of the church. Here you will find classic and vibrant worship including responsive readings, traditional prayers of the church, organ-led hymns, and a dynamic, relevant, and biblically-based message. We believe the Holy Spirit will repeatedly bring fresh understanding as we sing and pray together the holy words of our faith.

The Intersect Worship Service is held in the Sanctuary and is a dynamic, energetic, and creative experience that invites us to bring all we are in worship and expect God to show up. The band leads us in modern worship songs–some contemporary words and melodies and some fresh interpretations of classic hymns. At Intersect you might experience artistic expressions of worship like dance, videos, paintings, visuals, and dramas that help us enter into the Bible teaching of the day. Each service includes a dynamic, relevant, and biblically-based message that challenges us to live at the intersection of faith and life.

Each month that contains a 5th Sunday, our worship services combine for one “Bluegrass Gospel Sunday” worship service at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday School

Sunday School
At Gladeville Methodist Church, Sunday School is a vital part of Christian education for children, youth, and adults. Starting at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday, classes are offered for infants through adults of all ages including:

Sunday Morning Sunday School is a great opportunity for kids to learn scripture and how it can be applied to their lives daily.

Sunday School time is 9:30AM – 10:15AM and the grade a separated as follows:

Nursery – up to 3 years old
4 year old – 1st Grade Class
2nd and 5th Grade Class

Youth aged kids meet in the youth room and are focused on grades 6-12.

If you have any questions about how you could be involved or if you need more explanation, please contact Stephanie Pugh our Director of Children, Youth, and Families at stephanie.pugh@gladevillemethodist.org or call the office at (615) 444-0566.

Fellowship Class –  TBD
Discussion Class – Susan Wilson
Sharers Class – Mary Ann Robinson
Cornerstone Class – David Wright
Young Adult Class – Tracy Nelson

Encouragement for Life
Wednesday nights are a time of food, fellowship, and ministry at Gladeville Methodist Church.

These activities are only during the Wilson County School year.

Evening Meal
5:45 p.m. Fellowship Hall

Dinner is provided at no cost and begins at 5:45 p.m., followed by learning opportunities for children, youth, and adults beginning at 6:30 p.m. including:

6 p.m. Worship Team Practice

 6:30 p.m. Bible Study

6:30 p.m. Children’s Activities

6:30 p.m. Youth

Children’s Wednesday night programming begins after the Wednesday night meal. Our Wednesday lessons include time for Art, Crafts, and/or Games. We pack a lot into our hour together! Parents, please check out our adult Bible Studies and make it a family night.

Our Youth Wednesday evenings are spent sharing a meal together, providing an opportunity for fellowship with one another. We always mix in a bit of fun in this evening, before going into our weekly bible study.

It’s a great night, filled with lots of energy and focus on Jesus. If you have any questions about how you could be involved or if you need more explanation, please contact Stephanie Pugh our Director of Children, Youth, and Families at stephanie.pugh@gladevillemethodist.org or call the office at (615) 444-0566.

Adult studies are led by Pastor Han & others throughout the year.


To be an intersection of faith and life in the Glade.


Changed People Changed Community Changed World
