Children's Ministry

Gladeville Methodist Kids!

At Gladeville Methodist Church, we believe that children are a precious gift from God, our ministry is dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth and development of children, providing them with a strong foundation of faith, values, and community.

We offer a variety of programs for infants through 5th grade designed to educate, support, and nurture children as they grow into Christian discipleship.  In addition to Sunday and Wednesday night classes and activities, many memorable children’s events are held throughout the year including an Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Program, and many other events throughout the year.

Your children will deepen their understanding of the Christian faith, develop lifelong friendships, discover their unique talents, and grow into compassionate, responsible, and spiritually grounded individuals. We invite you to come and experience the warmth, love, and joy that await your children in our ministry.

Together, let us inspire the hearts and minds of our children as they embark on a journey of faith, love, and service. We look forward to welcoming your children into our Gladeville Methodist Church family.


Sunday School

Sunday School
At Gladeville Methodist Church, Sunday School is a vital part of Christian education for children, youth, and adults. Starting at 9:15 am each Sunday, classes are offered for infants through adults of all ages including:

Sunday Morning Sunday School is a great opportunity for kids to learn scripture and how it can be applied to their lives daily.

Sunday School time is 9:30 am – 10:15 am and the grade a separated as follows:

Nursery – up to 3 years old
4 year old – 1st Grade Class
2nd and 5th Grade Class

Sunday Schedule

9:00 am – Breakfast
9:15 am – Sunday School
10:30 am – Joyful Noise

**during the Intersect Service

Wednesday Schedule

5:00 pm – Children’s handbells (seasonal)
5:30 pm – Children & Youth Choir (seasonal)
6:00 pm – FUEL dinner
6:30 pm – FUEL classes (follows WC school calendar)


To be an intersection of faith and life in the Glade.


Changed People Changed Community Changed World
